Developing model equation to subdivide lysine requirements into requirement for growth and maintenance in pigs
C. J. Yang (Yang CJ), D. W. Lee (Lee DW), I. B. Chung (Chung IB), Y. M. Cho (Cho YM), I. S. Shin (Shin IS), B. J. Chae (Chae BJ), J. H. Kim (Kim JH), In K. Han (Han IK)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 1997;10(1):54-63.   Published online 1997 Feb 1     DOI:
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Determination of nutrient requirements for growth and maintenance of growing pigs under tropical condition
S.S. Paul, A.B. Mandal, P.N. Chatterjee, R. Bhar, N.N. Pathak
Animal.2007; 1(2): 269.     CrossRef