Knocking-in of the Human Thrombopoietin Gene on Beta-casein Locus in Bovine Fibroblasts
Mira Chang (Chang M), Jeong-Woong Lee (Lee JW), Deog-Bon Koo (Koo DB), Sang Tae Shin (Shin ST), Yong-Mahn Han (Han YM)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2010;23(6):806-813.   Published online 2010 Apr 22     DOI:
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Cloning and Molecular Characterization of Porcine β-casein Gene (CNS2)
Sang Mi Lee, Hye-Min Kim, Seung Ju Moon, Man-Jong Kang
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences.2012; 25(3): 421.     CrossRef